Video Game and Computer Programming

Spring Break Update

The reason for the lack of updates is due to the fact I am on spring break. My schedule may seem weird, but I get out of college at the end of April so deal with it. However I do bring some news! I have started to make a game called Maximum Rocket. The goal and operations of the game have not been finalized, seeing as though it's just a project I am going to work on in my free time. For now, the main objective is to achieve maximum altitude using different rocket parts and so forth.

For those interested, here is the splash screen so far (click to enlarge)


Flame said...

Will this be available for Xbox Live?

Sesquipedalism said...

@Flame LoL!

Pretty cool. What language are you programming in?

Tasos said...

looks promising so far! can't wait

KB said...

Dude it should be one of those "Kitten Cannon" type games where you have to shoot up as far as possible. You know, with like fuel, design, and control upgrades and such.

Rico Rodriguez said...

Looks pretty cool, can't wait!

efren said...


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